5 New Year, New You Nutrition Tips For Detox

Question: What is a detox or cleanse and what are the benefits? Answer: I get this question all the time, especially after the holiday season! We have many different types of detox programs unique to you and your health concerns at Solaris Whole Health where you are actually feeding your body more! More nutrients, minerals, and nutrient-dense foods. This is necessary for your body to heal and rid itself of toxins especially after the holiday season. Detoxing has many healthy benefits. In simple terms, a detox is like a tune up†for the body. Caffeine, alcohol, not enough water, and processed foods, put stress on the body and keep it from performing at its best. By removing these unwanted toxins, the body is able to run more efficiently. The results are improved energy and immunity. Additional, reported benefits include weight loss, reduced stress, better sleep, reduced joint pain, clearer sinuses, improved digestion, and an overall improvement in level of happiness. It is important to note what a detox is not. It is not fasting. Fasting is essentially depriving your body of nutrients. It forces toxins out, which is harder on the body. This constant deprivation of either skip-ping meals of nutrient rich food OR from eating nutrient poor food will eventually cause your metabolism to slow down, increase body fat and decrease lean muscle mass. Here are 5 New Year, New You Nutrition Tips to quickly and easily detox your daily nutrition and daily lifestyle at home and get a jumpstart on your new year health. 1. You Choose pick 3-5 foods or drinks that do not serve you or your health (you know what they are) and make a pact that you will not eat or drink them for the next 21 days. 2. Your Weekly Game Plan Now, plan out what you’ll need for the week to come. Make sure your fridge is stocked with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats, gluten-free starches, and winter vitamins like a phyto-multi, safe/quality fish oil, probiotic and vitamin D. 3. Your Daily Game Plan – Give yourself 20 minutes in the morning and evening to plan your meals and prep your snacks in snack bags. By doing this you won’t wonder what you’ll be eating and have it at your fingertips! Remember healthy, nutrient rich meals and snacks are important to increase your metabolic fire! 4. Your On-The-Go Game Plan – In your car and at work, have healthy snacks on hand and lots of purified water to keep you energized AND full throughout the day. A variety of wholesome nutrients is essential for good health and vitality. Don’t hesitate to stop at a Panera or Starbucks for a steel cut oatmeal (without the sides), Dean’s for a green smoothie (without fruit), Target for an apple or greek yogurt OR a Hess On-the-go shop for a “go picnic to-go box. It’s out there you just need to look! 5. Your Expectations Changing your eating habits the first couple days for most people can be difficult. You may experience normal withdrawal symptoms such as: Headaches, Irritability and/or Fatigue. Although uncomfortable, this is your body’s natural way of telling you that it’s changing. Remember in your preparation you are planning for success. So hang in there, your body will thank you in the end! Creating new habits takes time and practice and sometime life gets in the way. Do not despair or quit. I remember when my nephew was learning to ride a two-wheeler bike he said to his Dad (my brother), Dad, I’m afraid, I might fall. My brother replied, “You’re supposed to fall, that’s how you’ll learn. So when you fall, it’s okay, learn from it and the next day remember this saying from Norman Vincent Peale: Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only there sult, but the cause, of fear. Any action is better than no action at all.†So go for it and don’t give up!
The Top 3 Ways To Help BOOST Your ENERGY & ENDURANCE Everyday!

Question: I’m ready to move and have more energy again after this long winter! What are some quick ways to work it into my busy schedule? Answer: It has been a long winter here in NJ and I think we all are ready for a great boost. I hear and understand the struggle of balancing healthy choices with a busy schedule so often at Solaris Whole Health, so we are constantly giving our clients quick tips to keep them going strong every time we see them. The nutrition geek in me will relay to you that increasing your nitric oxide daily is a great way of boosting your physical and mental stamina. It was, in fact, Science Magazine molecule of the year in 2001 (I thought you like that). There have been over 60,000 studies done on nitric oxide in the last 20 years and in 1998, The Nobel Prize for Medicine was given to three scientists that discovered the signaling role of nitric oxide. So what does this mean for you?! Nitric oxide has been shown to improve your memory, immune system, sleep quality, endurance and strength, among many other benefits. So how can you get more you ask? Here are the Top 3 ways to help BOOST your ENERGY and ENDURANCE everyday! 1. DO A TABATA! The most common way to increase your nitric oxide is through exercise. A Tabata is a 4 minute burst training routine developed by the Japanese to improve cardio health and build muscle with their athletes. We love Tabatas here at Solaris and yell out “Tabata Time when we are ready to start one! We do them in our office weekly to rejuvenate our energy, increase our stamina and our nitric oxide together! Everyone has 4 minutes in their day and doing Tabatas can be fun for the whole family! I suggest you check out Brad Gouthroor Rebekah Borucki on YouTube and download a Tabata timer app today! 2. EAT FOODS HIGH IN ARGE-NINE! Arginine can be found in foods that contain nuts, fruits, meats and dairy. It directly creates nitric oxide and citrulline inside the cell. Healthy food choices in this category are: caramelized onions, spinach, sesame seeds (also found in tahini as a spread ), shell fish like shrimp and crab, eggs and turkey. So an omelet (3 egg whites to 1 whole egg) with caramelized onions, spinach and turkey sausage would be a great way to start that energy cycle a couple days a week. 3. BRUSH YOUR TEETH! Did you know that gum disease decreases nitric oxide production. If you have periodontal disease, a gut imbalance of bacteria, acid reflux, low ph, ibs, constipation, diarrhea, bloat or gassiness your nitric oxide production has the potential to be consistently depleted. This translates to low immune, energy and endurance in the long run. If these symptoms are difficult to get under control I suggest contacting the respective health practitioners in your area. In the meantime, I guess what mom told us does help; brush, floss and eat clean healthy foods!
3 Reasons Why Lack of Sleep Affects Your Health And 8 Tips On How To Change It

Question: I have trouble sleeping getting to sleep AND staying asleep. I feel more wound up at night and sluggish in the morning. Help! Answer: Sleep hygiene is one of the many challenges I come across with my clients at Solaris Whole Health. I remember being the global pharmaceutical market manager fora fortune 100 company, traveling 3 out of 4 weeks a month and sleeping 2-3 hours per night. I saw my body shape, moods and immune getting worse. I knew it wasn’t good but I didn’t now how to change it. Sleep or lack thereof affects your ability to lose weight, deal with typical daily stresses effectively, and fight off colds. Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. Here are 3 reasons why lack of sleep affects your health and and 8 tips on how to change it! 1. Sleep and Hunger. Sleep loss disconnects your brain from your stomach. There are 2 digestive hormones that control hunger; ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin, or the go hormone or green light hormon is secreted when your stomach is empty, telling your body to eat. Leptin, your red light hormone is secreted when your stomach is full, telling you to stop eating A 2004 University of Chicago study showed that when people were allowed only 4 hours of sleep, two nights in a row, leptin (stop eating hormone) decreased by 20% and the eating hormone ghrelin increased! The people in the study had a 23% increase in hunger and appetite. Not only did they want to eat more, they craved sweets, salty snacks, and starchy foods. Bottom Line: Sleep loss tricks your body into believing it is hungry. 2. Sleep and Stress. Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels in the afternoon and evening. Increased cortisol levels tell your body to break down muscle and store fat. It also inhibits secretion of serotonin your feel good hormone. Not only does this effect how you deal with stress, it also makes you crave feel good foods (like cookies for example). Bottom Line: Sleep loss keeps you in an ever present stress mode, depleting your ability to cope with daily stresses. 3. Sleep and Colds. A JAMA study concluded that those who get less than 7 hours sleep are 3 times more likely to catch a cold. Bottom Line: Sleep boosts immunity while sleep loss impairs it. What can you do. Whatever you do, keep to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time no matter what hours you work. When you travel, stick to the hours in your new time zone you re traveling to, not the time zone you left. Keep distractions to a minimum. Your bedroom is for two things: sleep and sex. TV, computers and reading need to be left to other parts of your home. When you feel sleepy, let yourself go to bed instead of falling asleep on the couch. Make sure you have a comfortable mattress. Keep it quiet. Even if you live in a noisy area, find ear plugs, keep dogs out and use a fan or wave machine for white noise and Keep it dark. Keep to minimal distractions; dark blinds, eye sleep ware, etc. Come up with your own night time and wake up ritual.Take a hot quick shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair, get into your sleep clothes etc. Prepare yourself and your body for a clean, comfortable sleep. Quiet your mind. If your mind races at night, dump all your thoughts on apiece of paper and tell yourself you deal with it in the morning after a goodnights sleep. Don’t fight it! If you find yourself lying in bed for more than 15 minutes unable to sleep, do something that not too stimulating like listening to a guided mediation app, or a soothing audiobook or a white noise app. Don’t go to bed hungry or too full. Maintaining consistent blood sugar is key. Eat nutrient rich foods that are gluten free along with vegetables, vegetable juices, lean protein and fruits in 5-6 small meals per day. If you don’t eat enough or eat too much right before bed a dip in blood sugar will wake you up. Practice. Sleeping well does not happen overnight! If these things don’t work, seek out a health professional you trust to help your body get back into balance. A good nights sleep never felt so good.
3 Top Strategies For Keeping The Belly Fat Off

Question: I have worked hard to get the belly fat off for swimsuit season, how do I keep it off when the summer is full of changing schedules, vacations, barbecues, picnics, beach or lake outings and backyard fun? Answer: Changing schedules by day or by season can throw anyone off their health game. I often say to my athletes and clients at Solaris Whole Health: optimum health is the ability to recover. That is the name of the game when it comes to daily stressors, summer schedules/vacations and holidays! So this past year I have written a lot about optimum nutrition, supplementation and movement to get the belly fat off. Now lets talk about the 3 Top Strategies for Keeping the Belly Fat Off. 1. At Solaris we often discuss the 5-as of Success. Preparation, Practice, Persistence, Patience and Prayer/Gratitude. In my opinion they are all important however PREPARATION of healthy food at your fingertips: either in your house, in the dish you bring to the barbecue, in your car or beach bag or even ordering healthy takeout when short on time is a MUST this summer. Make this your no excuses summer 2. With the joy of summer and the outdoors I urge you to MOVE everyday. Exercise Smarter not harder while feeling the breeze, smelling the air and flowers and know the joy and exhilaration of sweating! Make this your summer of experiences of the sense 3. Let go of perfection. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! When you go off plan, get right back on track Monday or after vacation. The quicker you gain, the quicker you will lose, so start eating clean right after the cheat meal/day/weekend/vacation and get back on track happily. Make this your summer of recovering quickly like a rock star When you feel your inner guilt creeping in because of the last weekend festivities this summer remember it’s progress not perfection and read this mantra: Perfection is not a polished thing, It is often Something sincerely meant A job complete Praise given Gratitude heard. It can be kindness shown and Thanks offered up. Perfection is something we discover in each other, What we see reflected back. And if Perfection eludes us That doesn’t matter, For what we have in the moment is enough. (BBC, call the Midwife) Wishing you a lean, healthy & happy summer! From all of us @ Solaris Whole Health
Solaris 21-Day 3R Challenge To Keeping The Belly Fat Off All Summer Long

Question: How do I keep the belly fatoff I’ve lost since the holidays for swimsuit season? Answer: I hear this from my clients all the time at Solaris Whole Health. I often say as easy to lose weight; the challenge is keeping it off! At Solaris we work on Whole Health by balancing and optimizing each person unique nutritional, biochemical and lifestyle regimes while supporting their exercise goals. My clients typically know what is best to eat and once we correct the biochemical imbalances it makes it so much easier for them to stick with the best nutrition plan for their optimum health. However the third component to maintaining this great feeling is often overlooked; maintaining positive daily lifestyle choices over the long haul. Between holidays, changes in school schedules, traveling, vacations and the typical stressors of each day there is always an excuse to treat yourself or areas on that can throw off your routine. This is the beginning of the dieting cycle wine or dessert one night and juicing it the next day to make up for the indulgence causes stress on your body. This will kill your metabolism in the longterm, cause sleep disruptions, hormone imbalances and other chronic symptoms. I always emphasize balance. In The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, he states Any habits, bad or good, create neurological cravings. Why? When a habit emerges, the brain stops fully participating in decision making. It stops working so hard, or diverts focus to other tasks. So unless you deliberately fight a habit unless you find new routines – the pattern will unfold automatically. The National Institute of Health showed that this habit automation sparks a dopamine response in your brain creating a feel good feeling regardless of whether the habit is good or bad for you. Therefore the biochemical craving of the habit is created. 40 percent of the actions people perform daily are not actual decision but habits (Duke University Study 2006). Grabbing for that snack at 3pm, nibbling off your kids plates, drinking that 16 coffee concoction after your workout, treating yourself to that after-noon latte or glass or two of wine after a long day or blindly snacking after dinner are habits that are not serving your body or your belly fat. So how do you enjoy life and your beach body at the same time? The key is consciously creating daily habits/routines/rituals and making sure there is a reward attached. I like to call them the Solaris 3 Recognize, Replace, Reward. Here your 21-Day, Solaris 3R Challenge to keeping the belly fat off all summer long! 1. Recognize choose ONE daily habit that is weighing you down and seek to understand it. Why are you making this choice? A treat, loneliness, habit, stress, fatigue, relief? Habits can be changed if we first understand how they work. 2. Replace this habit with a better choice for 21 days replace a specialty tea or green smoothie/juice for coffee,almonds or a greek yogurt for french onion dip, popcorn, cacao smoothie for chocolate, a workout/yoga or 15 minute stretch/hot shower/change into comfy clothes for wine after work. 3. Reward yourself for doing a great job “ give yourself 30 minutes to look through your favorite catalog, watch sports center, surf the web, give your self a hand paraffin treatment at night, read your favorite book in bed or snuggle on the couch. Usually what we don do is give ourselves the time to indulge in the simplest things, so we indulge in a food, drink or cigarettes to keep us going. The tiny wins you will experience each day will instill new cravings for positive habits as you become conscious of your triggers and patterns, conscious of there placement and conscious of the reward you give yourself. Remember, it is not willpower, it is routine. Good luck with your 21-Day Solaris 3R Challenge and see you at the beach!
Sweet Strawberry Mojito Mocktail

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Rosemary Blueberry Smash

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