LADIES!!! Good Information On How To Battle PMS!

A woman with black eye makeup looking at the camera.

Each month, on schedule, I used to get cravings for chocolate and potato chips, not eaten together of course. The rest of the month I could happily do without. I finally figured out those cravings had more to do with my hormones than anything else. Most of us are also way more familiar than we care to be with unwanted weight gain and bloating.  “PMS: The Latest Insights on its Causes and How to Reduce Symptoms†offers some new information that may make your life a little easier in this department.  Other great reads for health and well being this week include:

Why is Your Body Toxic?
How You Can Easily Remove and Stop Absorbing Toxins!
How a Faulty Circadian Rhythm Negatively Impacts Your Health (and What to Do to Make It Right)
Your body has a natural internal clock… disrupting its patterns may be causing you to pack on pounds and put your immune system at risk

10 Top Tactics to Keep a Marriage Strong or Help Make It Strong Again
If you are married, or hope to someday be, here are ten tips that you will find priceless to help make your marriage the best it can be.

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