The Solaris Premium Collection of Supplements

We are so excited to introduce Solaris Whole Health premium supplement line! Over the years, I have hand-picked the best of the best in supplementation, fish oils, and nutrition shakes, all from cutting edge, research-based companies. These products have liberated our clients time and time again, improving their energy, vitality, sleep quality, focus, body composition, and so much more! Our programs truly allow our clients to live the life they desire! Now, SWH is taking it to the next level by developing our very own collection of top of the line supplements. I’ve developed this collection with specific formulations that are based on clinical data and observations of over 1,000 Solaris clients. These clients have been tracked through their personalized journeys using recurring lab testing to measure the effectiveness of these specific formulations. Working with the industrys leading research-based companies for close to two years, I have tinkered with and scrutinized various options in order to manufacture our new product line, selecting only my favorite formulations; each one consistent with established industry and med-ical research. Couple that with superior absorption and purity of each ingredient, and I have finally put together a product line I can be proud of and you will too! The line is so new, we can’t even tell you the name of it! The best part is, all I want to talk about are the bio-chemical reactions and pathways; the in depth science of each supplement and how exactly it functions in your body, but that much information wouldn’t fit on the page. I can tell you that this collection acts as an initial introduction. The line won’t cover everything. But I know that what we do, we do well. Good things come in small packages. We are starting with an introductory collection designed to decrease your cravings, decrease total body inflammation, and support your entire immune system. I also put together a weight loss-oriented detox kit unparalleled in the industry to date. I am not beholden to any industry titan. I take the best from one product and marry it to the best from another product. The entire collection will be GMO-free, pulling from the freshest, and most directly sourced raw ingredients possible. In addition: the detox protein shake is gluten and dairy-free the fish oils are manufactured from the freshest sources, with a catch to capsule time that is the best in the industry, to date each and every product meets the FDA Dietary Supplement GoodManufacturing Practices (GMPs), and we are using a brand new, state-of-the-art facility right here in theUnited States I am committed to delivering only the highest quality and most effective supplements. We are growing quickly and we are mirroring the success of our phenomenal clients. We are so proud to call Bernardsville our home,and I’m so happy to be creating this product line and introducing it right here in this area: truly homegrown whole health! Make sure to stay tuned for updates on the product! We are easy to find: on Facebook, Twitter, give us a call, or just stop in to say hello!
Jump Start Into Spring With These 3 KEYS

Question: After a long winter, how do I jump-start my energy as I transition into the spring schedule? Answer: I often hear clients tell me they are burnt out, stressed out and running on empty. They reveal that they may snap when they don’t mean to, think about a situation more than they want to or simply that they always feel behind the eight ball. The key to getting things done and staying healthy while navigating life many responsibilities and changing schedules is to manage your energy, not time. Managing your daily energy level successfully is the ability to focus or do, and then recover many times over during the course of a day. It’s the way our bodies are built! The problem is we keep going and going until there is nothing left. The only resources that last, are those we renew.Tony Schwartz Here are 3 KEYS to increase your energy, productivity and daily recovery effectively this spring season! 1. BE FOOD SAVVY MYTH: If I know I’m going out for dinner, I’ll eat sparingly during the day and make sure I have coffee to suppress my appetite and keep me focused and productive. FACT: This upper/downer scenario sets your body up for an ultimate shut down of mental and physical exhaustion. The caffeine upper is temporary and negatively affects your adrenal glands (little organs on top of your kidneys) that supplement your body with necessary hormones like DHEA for anti-aging and cortisol for stress management. In addition, not eating shuts down your metabolism and the ultimate swings in blood sugar will make you more tired, moody, less focused, hormonally imbalanced and sleep deprived, causing you to hold onto more fat. ACTION: Eat moderate amounts of energy rich foods 5-6 times a day as your fuel to renew your mental, emotional and physical resources in realtime! Foods like salmon, walnuts, flax seeds,which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin,which effects mood.  Eat leafy greens like spinach, kale, swiss chard sautéed or in a salad. A 2006 study in Neurology showed that people who ate two or more daily servings of vegetables, especially leafy greens, had the mental focus of people five years their junior! Consuming fruits like strawberries, blueberries or raspberries have been shown to improve your memory and keep your brain young! Feeding yourself daily nutrient rich food/fuel keeps you effective and joyful; you will be a person who gets things done with a smile and mean it! 2. BE HYDRATED MYTH: I get the water I need through coffee, tea, and other liquids I drink. FACT: H2O, hydrogen and oxygen, are key resources that initiate many important chemical reactions in your body! Drinking pure water translates to weight loss by flushing out toxins and raising your metabolism as it helps digestion and absorption of key nutrients for energy. Drinking pure water helps relieve headaches due to muscle pain, helps skin look younger by replenishing skin tissues, helps your brain be more productive and helps relieve fatigue by increasing the effectiveness of your organs so they don’t have to work so hard. ACTION: Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of pure water every day. To start, pick a sport, BPA free, drinking bottle between 28-32 oz. Drink one of those with room temperature filtered water when you get up every day. Knowing you only need 2 or 3 bottles a day vs 8-10 glasses makes it a lot easier and more fun! 3. BE RESTED MYTH: I’ll get more done if I stay up a few more hours OR get up earlier OR just keep going! FACT: A study by David Dinges, a major American sleep researcher and teacher at the University of Pennsylvania, reported that if you went 4 nights in a row with only 5 hours of sleep you would have the same cognitive capacity as if you were intoxicated. David Dinges says “we have lost site of what it feels like to be fully rested like the person who’s stopped after 3 glasses of wine and thinks they are fine. ACTION: Make a plan and then commit to going to sleep and waking up at approximately the same time every day for a week, which gives you 7-8 hours of deep sleep per night. If you have problems falling sleep or staying asleep over the course of 2 weeks during this period I suggest getting some testing done by a health professional and reading “Good Night†by Micheal Brues, PhD. This chronic stress on your body will affect you, your effectiveness and relationships in more ways than one. To start, I urge you to try even one of the 3-ENERGY KEY I outline above using my -P Principle Planning, Persistence, Patience, Practice and sometimes Prayer. Look for more information on my P Principle in another column. Happy Spring Everyone!
Incredible Immune Boosting Super Foods

Question: When one person gets sick in our house it’ss just a matter of time our whole house gets sick! How do I and my family fend off the sniffles and flu? Answer: Staying healthy during the holidays and cool winter months can be challenging. I have to admit, my peeps at Solaris Whole Health brag about not getting sick for years at a time even if their kids come home with something! Some of the most common factors that con-tribute to a weak immune system are: Eating too much sugar and too many grains Not getting enough rest Ineffectively managing emotional stresses in your daily life Vitamin D deficiency Any combination of the above So, to get you armed and ready for a healthy, energetic year to come we are going to play a game of Did you Know! Immune Boosting Foods: Did you know that eating the color of the rainbow will increase your antioxidants and bioflavonoids and therefore your immune. So when you are out at a holiday event be weary of the cheese and cracker tray. It’s one color! Think red (tomato) orange (squash/sweet potato/oranges) yellow (squash) Green (spinach/kale/green beans) blue (berries) violet (grapes). Be inclusive of all foods this holiday season. Immune Fighting Foods: Did you know that spicing your foods with these spices are known to kill off those bad bacteria: spice your foods and/or tea with turmeric, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, ginger or garlic. Did you know, chicken contains a natural amino acid called cysteine, which can thin the mucus in your lungs and make it less sticky so you can expel it more easily. So Yes, your mom homemade chicken soup does work! Vitamin D: Did you know, there was a study published which found that school age children who took supple mental vitamin D had lower incidents of the flu and asthma attacks (Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May; 91(5):1255-60)? Dr. John Cannell reported in another study that vitamin D helps produce antibacterial peptides that help protect against the flu. That is why in winter, when there is little sunshine, people are more prone to vitamin D deficiency and getting infected with flu viruses. In general, best time to test your vitamin D levels are in September (usually your highest levels of the year) OR March (usually your lowest of the year). The clinical range is 30-100ng/ml, so you may want to shoot for a year round average of 50-70 ng/ml. Speak to your health care practitioner to determine the correct dosage to keep you healthy year round! Antibiotics:We’ve all heard about the over use of antibiotics and the resistant strains of bacteria being created as a result. Did you know, according to the CDC, doctors will prescribe antibiotics 62% of the time if parents expect them to, compared to only 7% of the time if the parents do not expect them to. So go into your appointment with an open mind and listen to your doctor. Probiotics: Did you know eighty percent of your immune system is located in your digestive track? Furthermore an optimum balance of gut flora is good bacteria to 15% bad bacteria for your immune to be in tip-top shape. A study concluded that young children who drank a mixture of good bacteria or probiotics, had fewer colds, needed fewer antibiotics, and missed fewer days of school. All probiotics are not the same. Speak to a health practitioner to determine the correct strain of probiotics, the strains that are researched for their effectiveness and those with the lowest die off rate to determine what is best for you and your family. So this summer season keep it simple! Enjoy a couple desserts and a maximum of 4 servings of spirits a week, eat lots of colorful foods, balance your stress (pace yourself), sleep well, rest well, eliminate daily, take the proper types of probiotic and take vitamin D if needed. Being free from illness will open up a whole other world of awareness and fun that is just waiting for you to say yes to!