Whole Health and the Skinny Shot Boom - Buyer Beware

Whole Health and the Skinny Shot Boom – Buyer Beware

In recent years, skinny shots have taken the weight loss world by storm. These injections promise quick and effective weight loss, but what exactly are they? 

What Are Skinny Shots?

Skinny shots come in various forms, including semaglutide (marketed as Ozempic, Wegovy and ZepBound), Lipotropic Injections, B12 Injections, and HCG Injections. Each type has its unique properties and benefits, but they all share a common goal: aiding in weight loss by suppressing appetite and boosting metabolism.


Types of Skinny Shots

Semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy, ZepBound): These GLP-1 receptor agonists work by mimicking a hormone (glucagon-like-peptide-1) that helps the body use food as energy, regulates blood sugar levels, and targets the brain’s appetite regulation areas, making you feel fuller longer.

Lipotropic Injections: These contain a mix of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that promote short term fat breakdown and metabolism.

B12 Injections: These shots boost short term, 1-3 day, energy levels and metabolism, which can support short term weight loss efforts by improving energy so you can do more.

HCG Injections: Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections claim to help lose fat while preserving muscle mass.

Pros and Cons of Skinny Shots


Appetite Suppression: Many of these injections help reduce hunger, making it easier to stick to a calorie deficit.

Metabolic Boost: Some shots, like Lipotropic and B12, enhance metabolism, helping your body burn more calories.

Energy Levels: B12 injections can increase energy, which might improve exercise performance and overall activity levels.


Side Effects: These can include nausea, diarrhea, headaches, constipation, heartburn and potential allergic reactions.

Appetite Suppression: reducing hunger does not necessarily mean reducing cravings for unhealthy foods. It simply means you get full faster. That said, you may still crave cookies, chips or wine, just have less of it. Decreasing its effectiveness for fat loss and increasing the effects of muscle loss (becoming a fat – skinny person). 

Temporary Solution: Skinny shots don’t address underlying health issues or promote sustainable lifestyle changes.

Risk of Buying Online: Purchasing injections online or using generic versions can be dangerous due to the lack of regulation and potential for contamination.

Dependency: Relying on injections without making lifestyle changes can lead to weight regain once the injections are stopped.

The Importance of Professional Guidance

Using skinny shots without the guidance of a professional weight loss expert can be risky and ineffective in the long term. Here’s why:

Side Effects and Risks

Skinny shots can have several side effects. Semaglutide, for example, may cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, heartburn, and even pancreatitis in severe cases. Lipotropic injections can lead to allergic reactions, and HCG injections have been associated with a variety of health risks, including ovarian hyperstimulation in women. The dangers of buying these injections online are even greater. Without regulation, you could be purchasing contaminated or improperly dosed products, leading to serious health issues.

The Illusion of a Magic Fix

While skinny shots can help you lose weight by slowing gastric flow and making you feel fuller, they are not a magic fix. We’ve all experienced the cycle: lose weight, get down 20 pounds, and still struggle with cravings, poor sleep, stress and other symptoms. 


Without addressing these underlying issues, weight loss is rarely sustainable. Feeling full doesn’t eliminate cravings, improve sleep, or resolve other health issues like hot flashes. You might still find yourself reaching for potato chips, drinking multiple cups of coffee, or craving that glass of wine or three at night. 

The drug does its job, but if your lifestyle choices don’t change, the weight loss won’t be permanent, and you could gain it all back—or even more.

Doing It Right: The Whole Health Approach

To achieve lasting results, it’s essential to prep, get tested, and make necessary lifestyle adjustments before taking the shot. This means:

Comprehensive Health Testing: Understanding your body’s specific needs and any underlying health issues.

Healthy Diet and Nutrition: Adopting a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support overall health and weight loss.

Lifestyle Changes: Reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and eliminating unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking.

Stress Management: Incorporating techniques to manage stress effectively, as chronic stress can hinder weight loss efforts.

Sleep Quality: Ensuring adequate and restful sleep to support metabolism and overall health.

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Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity to boost metabolism and maintain muscle mass.

How Solaris Whole Health Can Help

At Solaris Whole Health, we support you every step of the way. Our Solaris Personal Transformation program, available in 6 or 12-month options, is designed specifically to meet your health goals before, during, and after you start your skinny shots. Work 1-on-1 with Stephanie Solaris and her team to address and improve areas such as stress management, hormone imbalances, chronic illness, digestion, fatigue, allergies, weight gain, and menopause.

We collaborate with your doctor to ensure a holistic approach to your weight loss journey. Our program includes:

Preparation: Thorough health assessments and personalized plans before you start taking skinny shots.

Ongoing Support: Regular check-ins and adjustments to your plan as needed.

Sustainable Health: Focusing on whole health to ensure you not only lose weight but also maintain it and improve your overall well-being.


Solaris Whole Health programs are science-based lifestyle and nutrition plans, designed specifically for you to achieve ultimate success. You can’t lose weight if you don’t feel great.

By addressing all aspects of your health, we help you achieve real, lasting results. Trust Solaris Whole Health to guide you through your weight loss journey with a comprehensive, balanced approach.

Solaris Whole Health is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals the right way. Contact us today by clicking here to learn more about our comprehensive weight loss programs. Or schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation with Stephanie Solaris right away by clicking here.