Holiday traps and tips: optimum health involves planning, preparing, enjoying, and the ability to recover!

Holiday Traps and Tips! During the holiday parties, cookie exchanges, and outings, it’s so easy to forget your health goals in the moment. Remember, if you ‘stay the same’ over the holiday and keep your symptoms at bay, it is a WIN! To prepare yourself for success, our hours over the holiday are: Solaris Premium is open for online orders (please note that there will be no shipping 12/25 or 12/31.) Solaris Whole Health is closed 12/23-12/29/2019 Optimum health is the ability to recover! Enjoy yourself AND stay on track by: Having your updated Nutrition Protocol (NP) on hand! Order now to be sure that you don’t run out of your health products. Order Online: Orders will be shipped directly to you! Solaris Premium Collection Dispensary: Easy shopping! Fullscript Dispensary: Log in using the email address on your file with us!